Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3/1 Daily Summary

Hanging on to those Puts really paid off Today! I was ready for any sort of down-side. I've been watching the last two up-side days and recognizing they were happening at lower volumes I kept my bearish bias and did not jump on the hand grenade by selling the puts too quickly.. Now I'm in a good position to finish cut and rolling, add the extra butterfly and push this trade to recover. If we stay quiet it will bring me my goals, if we keep moving around I can continue to manage it. It is a matter of time now to have theta kick in fast.. I also can't wait too much before adding any extra butterfly, as a matter of fact, am brushing with the limit to add new butterflies, I think it is still ok considering the volatility Spike from Today.

Bottom line, I'm staying alive, keeping it cool, recognizing and managing stress and managing the trade! That's what I expect from myself. :)