Monday, June 15, 2009

06/15 VIPES

06/15 RUT 30-Day Condor *new*

I started a new 30-Day condor Today, I'll manage it by cutting the position delta in 1/2 if we get to the adjustment levels as per the risk profile.

06/15 SPY Double Diagonal

Today's move put us right in the center of the double-diagonal. The volatility pop also helps the position, now let's hope SPY stays where it is for a few days so we can get maximum time decay.

06/15 DIA Iron Butterfly

I'm exiting the butterfly, started peeling off spreads at the end of the day to keep its delta as neutral as possible. Today's down move forced an adjustment, but with entry orders I was able to cut delta in 1/2 and not more than that, allowing to benefit from the last hour pull back.

06/15 MDY 30-Day condor

I started bailing out of this trade Today, we're approaching too close to max loss and I don't want to overstay on expiration week. I removed almost all the PUT risk and am working on the CALL risk, this is what the profile looks like, the delta is -3, and the only short PUT contract I have is at 90 strike, so there is plenty of room on the down-side. The short CALL I have left is 110, a bit closer, but based on Today's break-down, I'd say it is getting safer by the day.