Using a 20-day window calculated volatility, RUT moved about +0.8 and MNX +0.5 standard deviations. FinViz was showing a dark-green dashboard, while Vertical Solutions current condition screen showed mixed ETFs as well as Stock's "trending power" slowing down through the day. With time, I want to capture the relationship between the forecast tools and how much movement we get.
Closed the position on Friday before expiration week. Wasn't confortable with the overall trade and decided against risking it. Had a great phone conversation with Dan Harvey and he pointed out my mistakes in the trade, I documented them in the day by day review.
Continued to exit the trade, took off one more put and call spread and left the remaining of the potision to go through the weekend. I believe this is the first time I go over to expiration week with a trade that has profits in it. Learning the condorizing process and the ability to get the most out of the trade with less risk.
All content on this site is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as advice to buy or sell any securities. Nothing should be considered or construed as personalized investment advice. Stocks are difficult to trade; options are even harder. Please do your own homework and accept full responsibility for any investment decisions you make. Although I may answer your general questions or comments, I am not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation.
ps: Thanks to my Lawyer friend and avid reader Chad for the disclaimer!