Monday, April 13, 2009

04/13 Vacation in Brazil


I'll be enjoying some time with my family back in Brazil for the next 3 weeks. Who knows, maybe more. Tomorrow will be a traveling day, so for the first time I'm trying something new with the contingent orders: multiple-days..

For my normal contingent orders I have a set of 3 orders on OCO. My normal process is to start with a small mark+something offer, then if the market continues to move against, I go with a small increment as a second offer. Finally I have a BID/ASK continent in case the first 2 offers didn't get accepted. This has been my normal mode for the past, these are DAY orders that I re-create every night.

Well, since I'll be traveling, I created an OCO package with two sets of 3 orders. The first set is configured to be triggered and cancelled on the 14th, the second set is configured for the 15th.

The reason for placing them in the same OCO package is because I won't be monitoring if they get triggered, so if something happens Tomorrow, I don't want the same order to trigger again on Wednesday...

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