Thursday, July 9, 2009

07/09 Daily Update

Still unable to connect to Internet all day Today, I was able to obtain connectivity at the end of the day but it was too slow to support the desktop version of Thinkorswim. I used the web-based trading to make a small delta adjustment on RUT. Today was a good day for both positions, but I'm unable to figure out what the P&L is, will try again with TOS desktop.

I have taken snapshots of the greeks for all the open contracts, from there I can figure out current P&L based on what has already been closed. In any event, I'll also use the greeks to think about contingent orders and will place them for Tomorrow. I sure am glad Today was a quiet day and this is a great example of having a decent contingent plan for technical issues such as lack of connectivity.

Greeks for RUT Iron Butterfly:
P&L for Today: +$495
Delta: +52
Gamma: -7
Theta: 159
Vega: 197

Greeks for SPX Iron Butterfly:
P&L for Today: +$212
Delta: +6
Gamma: -4
Theta: +160
Vega: +350

In all fairness, if this were live trades I would find myself in a shopping center or any sort of Internet provider. But being paper trades I didn't stress too much. Nevertheless, I now have a backup Internet connection with a broadband wireless card (3G Network). It doesn't hurt to learn to use the Web-based version of TOS.

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