Thursday, July 23, 2009

07/23 Daily Summary

Today's fast up move was hard on all my positions, specially hard on the RUT Iron Condor, the trade lost a lot of ground with price and volatility moving up. I have adjusted the SPY Double Diagonal and am at a critical point where I need to add something to the position in order to make some theta.

I have also added a small iron butterfly to the MNX position, this will increase my up-side break-even and add theta. Other than that, the next step is to move some of my short calls that no longer have any time-value on them.

Position's Details:
07/23 RUT 30-Day Iron Condor
07/23 MNX Iron Butterfly
7/23 SPY Double Diagonal


Anonymous said...


So porrada esse mes! So ganhando no paper....


Anonymous said...

Alias nem no paper, mas a posicao ta boa ainda. Tem potencial. Nos live....

Gustavo's Trades said...

Meu amigo Marcelo, sinto o drama, na verdade, estou sentindo..

Quem sabe o mercado dah uma relaxada, nao eh mesmo? Minha posicao eh sempre esperar pelo melhor, se nao vier, fazer o que? Fechar e abrir de novo mes que vem..


Paoli said...

Ter uma atitude positiva e sempre o melhor... estou seguindo o seu blog silenciosamente

Gustavo's Trades said...

Obrigado Paoli! Que bom saber que voce estah conectando com trading.
