Saturday, October 10, 2009

10/09 MNX Iron Butterfly

Continued to exit the trade, took off one more put and call spread and left the remaining of the potision to go through the weekend. I believe this is the first time I go over to expiration week with a trade that has profits in it. Learning the condorizing process and the ability to get the most out of the trade with less risk.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gustavo,

to initiate your opening position on MNX Iron Butterfly - how do you do that in TOS? I tried to get filled using an Iron Condor setting with the shorts at the same strike but couldn't get filled 3 times in a row even with caving in the price quite a bit? Do you enter as 2 vertical spreads then? trouble is I might not get filled on one side then :-(

Gustavo's Trades said...

Hi there, I got filled as an Iron Condor, can't remember what the mid price was, but I usually cave in just a bit.

Be very careful if you plan on doing as a vertical, as you're right, you can get filled in one side (usually the one the market is moving against) and then you'll have to cave in a bunch to fill the other side in a hurry..

Another thing you can try, I never did this myself, is to sell the PUT and Call side first as a strangle, then buy the longs as a straddle. This way you get in with two spread (2 legs) orders instead of 1 condor (4 legs), and that may be easier to get a fill.

Hope that helps,