Thursday, November 18, 2010

11/18 Daily Summary

Today I finished loading my trade, the market is moving wildly, and it might be a storm brewing in the horizon (see my daily activity monitor), so heads up sailors! I loaded on the same original contracts, even though the call side seems to be close to a cut and roll situation, to me this simplifies my management, since I have 3 accounts that I trade, I didn't want to have to deal with 3 different positions. I'm already messed up in the P/L between the accounts, since some were filled Yesterday, others Today.. In any event, I'm using the account I always use to track and report my PL, even if P/L differs from my linked trades in the other accounts, the greeks are the same and my adjustments are the same too.

NOTE: For the first time in 1 year of trading I had my single contingent order fail to trigger!! The market may have moved past the contingent order too fast, or a glitch in TOS system, I'm not sure what was it, the fact is I got hurt more than I needed to because of that. To reduce this risk I've implemented now a OCO layered contingent orders, where they'll keep refreshing their price if the market keeps going up and the first order isn't triggered.

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