Tuesday, November 17, 2009

11/16 Daily Summary (short posting)

Will be very brief Today, and likely to not have any postings for the next couple of days, as I'm preparing to leave my home away from home (Brazil) and return to my home (Pacifica/California). So, in preparations for the trip, I still have to run around Today and will very very limited time. I'm keeping contingent orders for my current positions, and if time allows I plan on entering my MNX DEC iron butterfly this week.

The bullish indications of the VerticalSolution profile were a signal that I had to work my MNX iron butterfly and "get out of the way" sort of speak. I remove most of my short call contracts and left only one. Right now the position is down about 16%. The RUT Iron Condor was affected but no action needed thus far, the 5-day price spikes for RUT are not telling me to exit yet.

Here are the graphs and profiles for the couple positions I have on.

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